Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Women's Empowerment Wednesdays...

If somebody woulda told me a year ago...
 it was gon' get this difficult...

There are too many distractions occurring in our life.. resulting in us, half the time, worrying about the "wrong things". Time to pay attention more and face reality...especially when there are "signs" all around you. Take notes... play the game well... and most of all keep your eyes open to the "Flashing Lights".  Whether it's your life.. love life... etc. Doesn't matter. Let's be more attentive to the important things and watch how things change. Love you all. Stay beautiful. Xoxo.


Side Commentary:  This might be one of my favorite.. if not favorite.. Kanye video.  I love it entirely... especially the part where she uses the shovel.  #DontAsk lls

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