Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Real Talk Tuesdays...

via NewGrounds

Time to get real!  Too many things going on in the world today! ..even in YOUR life personally! Voice your thought here.  What’s your “real talk” issue of the day? 

@BiggsJackson-  Real talk, I need a drink. That would make this day go by faster lol

@descendentMC- Real Talk we as black people always say we want respect but don't even respect ourselves. Wake up!

@kid_fn_frankie- If you feel like you're done, try going just 5 more minutes...Trust, you'll surprise yourself, Real Talk! 

@go_fucurself- "closed legs are Way stronger than opened ones real talk"

@epicenigma- Real talk… me being cordial to you is not an invitation for you to court me..

@rep0_man- Yea real talk N words are the lamest now a day’s lying to females about what kind of whip they drive.  I thought that stopped in high school “real recognize real”

@inaworlduvmyown- real talk…. I need some vacations in my life soon!

My real talk of the day is… Stop blaming everyone else for the bad decisions YOU made.  Ppl need to start taking responsibility for their own actions. 

Feels pretty good to let out a quick vent. 
All submissions are welcome each Tuesday.  Hit me on the Twit. 
Until next time… stay real wit urself.  Peace.

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