Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Real Talk Tuesdays...

via saa.lsu.edu

Time to get real!  Too many things going on in the world today! ..even in YOUR life personally! Voice your thought here.  What’s your “real talk” issue of the day? 

@MrKingKong0307-  Real talk, I’m sick of seeing people talk about gay marriage.  Love is love no matter what way you look at it.  Love is defined different from each person

@descendentMC- Real Talk stop letting your past affect your future.. you could miss a lot of blessings…

@kid_fn_frankie- Real Talk, be assertive in everything you do...Don't half-ass shit!

@go_fucurself- I am coming across more and more single father's these days like real talk what kind of mother can jus leave her child? and their reasons have been some BS

@epicenigma- Real talk, why do people complain about being lied to but refuse to accept the truth when they hear it? 

@rep0_man- “Real Talk” there is no such thing as a relationship
@rep0_man- Real talk out of all the cousins I have between both sides of the family I only Fuxs with 3. @Tiff @CJ and Rashard they have molded me into the cool dude I am today love you guys.

@inaworlduvmyown- Real Talk...things tend to get better with time. That is of course if youre putting forth the effort, time alone cant fix all

@BiggsJackson- Real talk there is nothing like good pals.  Real talk u the best pal I have

My real talk of the day is… So many claim they are “grown ass women” but have the mentality of a 15 year old engaging in all types of teenage nonsense and foolishness.  Being a “grown ass woman” does not come with age… MATURITY and handling YOURS plays a KEY part. 

Feels pretty good to let out a quick vent. 
All submissions are welcome each Tuesday.  Hit me on the Twit. 
Until next time… stay real wit urself.  Peace.

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