Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Creativity or Bars gone Wrong?..Starring Nicki Minaj

"I'm  a Republican...Voting for Mitt Romney...You lazy bxtches are fxcking up the economy..."

Say what?
You read correctly.  The above lyrics were taken from Nicki's verse on "Mercy", which released yesterday via Lil' Wayne's "Dedication 4" mixtape.  Since then, a frenzy has stirred on the web about which vote she's casting in this year's upcoming Presidential election and what party she supports.  However, is that what she was aiming for?

Back in June 2012, shortly after Yvette Wilson from the hit TV sitcom "Moesha" passed away, Nicki took it to the net to express her frustrations about our current state of Health Care (screen tweets via BEMag).  

From there, I think it was unfair of her to attack {for lack of a better word} President Obama about not having Free Health Care for everyone.  With all the scrutiny he faces on a daily basis.. you really think Congress would vote to help the people entirely (affecting their pockets as well)?  He did what he could to fight for the Health Care Reform, which has helped MILLIONS.  Ever heard of the phrase "Give ppl an inch and they will take a mile"?  As if that vast improvement wasn't enough... she still complains.  How ungrateful.. 

However.. this post isn't about that.  Many have interpreted her current lyrics about voting for Mitt Romney as "forgetting where she came from ", announcing who she is voting for, and some even say it was pure creativity because it rhymed and would stir up controversy to make more go get the mixtape to listen to the song.  But what was she really aiming for?

I'm not quite sure, since Nicki hasn't defended herself yet on any of this, but I have my own interpretation as well.  For one, to endorse Mitt Romney, a man who quoted "Keep America American", a slogan used by the KKK in their publications during the 1920s { The "keep America American" line was used even before the 1920s by members of the anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic nativist group called 'Know Nothing Party" in the 1850s via the Washington Post}, is NOT a good lookAlthough, MANY argued quickly in defense of Romney saying it was bad journalism, otherwise noting no proof of him quoting such a thing, good ol' You tube fell right through the cracks with the footage (that you won't find aired).  Check around the :14 mark.

That could be mere coincidence.  I think not.  But hey, I'm just a blogger.

Who are these "lazy bxtches" that she is referring to?  Democrats?  Working or Middle Class Americans? - The social class you once belonged to until her career recently jumped? Oh.  I understand why many people were offended.  It's beyond a race thing let's look at the data.

President Obama would like to double exports to foster job creation, provide tax cuts for Middle class and Working class Americans, and uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act{health care plan} (etc).  Mitt Romney would like to open market's abroad on "fair" terms for American Goods and Services, expand the tax deduction and empower individuals to purchase their own health insurance, and repeal the Health Care plan (etc)... You know that plan that has assisted a remarkable amount of people, but was not enough according to Nicki's tweets above.

With all of that being said, I will voice that even if Nicki IS "a republican voting for Mitt Romney" (although unconfirmed sources say she has not been registered to vote in the last 3 years).. it was not wise to voice that through song.  ESPECIALLY, when majority of her supporters from day one are Democrats. It's not cool to endorse someone publicly who is not "for them".. or "for YOU" either, but I won't touch that today.

If stirring up controversy was the aim.. she hit it right on the money with that one.  I'm interested in what she will say (if anything at all) in defense of her remarks.  Stay tuned.. I'll keep you posted if I hear anything.   

1 comment:

  1. I agree totally Niki was trying to start some shit to get people listening again.
