Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Love is a JOKE" ... Vent session

Straight to the point...

Case: The relative and non-relative male:

"Let's Stop the Bullshittin.."- Hov

Everyone just lies about the dumbest shit. Completely irrelevant shit. Smh. I am so disgusted. Like do you really think for one second the truth doesn’t come out? (if it already hasn't). Smh. Your whole cover could be blown.. but messing with a person like I... you'll never know at least not immediately #shrugs . I don’t have any positive male figure in my life right now… whether that be relative or non-relative and it's REALLY bothering me. No one to look to except Hov & President Obama for hope of "hey that's a good man". The only I can speak for is my cousin Rashard. Otherwise… I have NOTHING good to say about the male specie. Nothing.

You can keep your 15% efforts that you give and want a pat on the back. Sorry.. it doesn’t cut it. And I won’t be biting my tongue anymore. I have let things slide as if they were “unnoticed” or “unknown” when in all actuality it’s the opposite.. I just don’t say anything. I figure it’s not worth the headache. What to hear another lie? No I’ll pass. I’m not ashamed to say (as I was discussing this with a friend of mine) that the reason why I deal with “not worthy” males (for lack of better words) is because that’s what I know (hence the men in my immediate family). Yea they apart of that 15% efforts too. Hey, they are my family and I love them… but shit it’s the truth (with the exception of you Rashard if you are reading lol).

I just don’t want to hold it in anymore.. for what??… to drive my thoughts and feelings crazy as it has been doing? It’s really kind of a lose lose situation. Say something and hear another lie= Frustrated. Don’t say anything and be upset about it= STILL frustrated. Shit either way.. I’m not going to win… so what’s the point of compromising..what do I have to lose lol?

It is really disturbing me how ppl don’t have any morals nowadays and no respect for ppl who deserve it. Like really… why treat all the ppl who care about you and have been there in your life like crap… but the ppl who don’t do shit get the praise and care. responding to me when you feel like it... but jumping up when NOBODIES hit you.... stuntin for Facebook like you got your shit together lmao such a joke..you lucky I don't expose your ass... #ShotsThrown at one particular relative and the "non-relative"... Smh. Non-appreciative muthafuckas.
So when I said on that disgusting filthbook, which brought me to my breaking point to post this…, that “Love is a JOKE”… I didn’t mean that just relationship wise.. I meant ALL of them… relationships with significant others ..JOKE… relationships with certain family members ..JOKE… co-workers (although that one is male and female)…JOKE lol. I can go on and on. I am just really disgusted with ppl nowadays.

I am starting to feel more and more aversion for ppl’s ways. “Loser-ship” is at an ALL time high right now… Everyone is on the bitchassness and wants to display their Loser-ship card to it. What’s a gal like me to do?

I will continue to hope and pray for the better. I know he won’t let me down. Therefore.. .. I’ll keep it in stride and keep my head held high…

In the meantime…

for you all that THINK you are or have gotten over on me… I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well. Let’s play a game…

I promise you… I WON’T LOSE

"When will they ever learn... keep playing w/ that fire.. that ass'll get burned..."

side commentary : If any of my male counterparts don't matter who... got offended by this for any reason and felt like i was talking to them... trust.. i was talkin about yo' triflin ass too. Got a problem with it? GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER! And for those.. if you have ANYTHING negative to say...please be advised... #thatisall