Wednesday, January 15, 2014

MLK.. AKA .. Brother's Birthday ..

January 15th is always an exciting day for me for three reasons only:

Happy 106th Founder's Day to my lovely line sisters, my chapter #GammaXi, and all members.

Civil Rights Leader (and Bruh) Martin Luther King Jr’s Birthday

and last but not least...
My Brother’s Birthday..

It's always hard trying to find pictures of us that aren't from the 80s and 90s lol. I was able to manage these two randomly. Any who, I just wanted to say I am super lucky to have you as my brother. We fight like boxers, we get into ridiculous mischief together, and speak in codes that only we understand. You've taught me a lot throughout my entire life and I thank you for that. While you embark on this milestone, I want you to think of it not as 'getting old', but as life just beginning. Now is the time where things reach new heights and your outlook broadens. Toast to you pal. Let the celebration begin. Happy Birthday! Love You.

♥ Xoxo.


  1. Happy Founders Day to you .. n Happy Birthday Kent.. lol

  2. Happy birthday buzzin buzzin..side eye at PAL!
