Monday, February 29, 2016

Promote Black History All Year Long ... #BlackHistoryMonth

We received an extra day this year for Black History Month, courtesy of it being a leap year.  I hope you made this day count.  If not, just because it's 'said' to celebrate for a month.. doesn't mean you have to.  You have all year to continue to promote Black History.  My church (who I won't name since I curse and carry on up here :} ) had a list of ways to do so on the bulletin.  I'll share a couple of theirs combined with my own::
Support Black Businesses
Share internships and job opportunities with the Black Community
Research your history.  Get involved.
Spread the word of Our Accomplishments
Make Your Own Accomplishments

I usually pick an older song, but this time around I chose to pick a current one that is overly powerful (along with the visual) to me and gives hope.  We have overcome SO much... but we still have a long battle to fight and endure everyday.  Keep standing tall.  We gon' be alright.

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