Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Real Talk Tuesdays...

Time to get real!  Too many things going on in the world today! ..even in YOUR life personally! Voice your thought here.  What’s your “real talk” issue of the day? 

@MrKingKong0307-  Piss poor planning leads to piss poor performance..

@descendentMC- Real Talk chase your dreams. Don’t worship them like an idol  

@kid_fn_frankie- Real Talk "Might as well enjoy life...Taste the fruits of your labor" ~Jill Scott

@Music_Live_Life- “Real Talk” stop watching my twitter statuses and get a life and maybe you will have something of your own to tweet about instead of keep tabs on me.  #MYBrand

@epicenigma- As African Americans, how did we so easily transition from our ancestors risking their lives to learn to read and write to presently celebrating illiteracy and discouraging the pursuit of higher education?
@epicenigma- When did it become cool to be comfortable with complacency? #RealTalkTuesdays

@BiggsJackson- Real talk females need to stop hating on the big dudes, and give us some play

@Bday05_25_87- Real Talk..I AM NEVER SATISFIED but I don’t feel like that’s a bad thing because when u become complacent and satisfied u stop looking for and achieving better.  Only become satisfied when u truly hachieved your goals, hopes, and dreams.  Until then continue to do better..

@PhillyFnVegas - #RealTalk ….I hate when ppl call you while ur at wrk and when u dnt answer them they ask if ur ignoring them, MOFO I’M AT FN WORK

@YungGunz919  – Why do fathers try to tell there kids what to do knowing they haven’t been in the kids life in God knows how long…. #RealTalk

@DevyDev_ -The people in the world that think they matter the most & the ones who matter the most don’t realize it #RealTalk

My real talk of the day isMy name is NOT Wachovia, PCN, Suntrust, BOA, BB&T, Credit Union etc.  Plain and simple I am NOT a bank.  Folk are too comfortable with receiving.  A change hath cometh.

Feels pretty good to let out a quick vent. 
All submissions are welcome each Tuesday.  Hit me on the Twit. 
Until next time… stay real wit urself.  Peace.

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