Monday, July 18, 2011

Motivation Mondays...

“We belong on the top but we ain’t trippin..cause we’ll get there in a minute”- S. Franklin

So if you know the truth all you think about is that thing…

Ppl love to kick ur dreams and see you fail. STOP telling them to everyone…EVERYone doesn’t need to know them. {One of the primary reasons I’m such a loner and so private}. Just keep quiet and make moves. You’ll reach your goal and can hit the “kanye shrug”. You’ll be on top..and they’ll be in the same place they were last the bottom. No reason to let the “unnecessary” hinder you from ANYTHING. Success is near…keep reaching…

I was heavy heavy heavy on my grizzle...
And none of ya’ll really cared about me...
And none of ya’ll really cared about me...
Now guess what?? I’m all you see…

Side Bar:

Entertained myself...
laughed at myself…

Had the lowest self esteem..

But now my facebook poppin..
Cause I told the same ones I would be the hot shxt…One day…

Always be a hater tryna shoot down any dreams…

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